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This blog is about what I think...

Floods, Droughts Are 'New Normal' Of Extreme U.S. Weather Fueled By Climate Change, Scientists Say

In Switzerlan­d there was a major concern in the late 1970s up to the 90s about not enough living-and­/or building space being available. So the government aloud houses/far­ms/factori­es to be build in locations, where none of our ancestors would ever have build, let alone lived. Now these houses start crumbling, get flooded and so on. Lot of the elders give us the "told you so, but you didn't listen" look. What if they (the natives) where right, and we weren't? What if nature is getting back at us, for invading more and more of its place? Is there still time for us to retrieve? And do we even want to?

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